I hope this month that you remember that you alone hold the key to your happiness. And NEVER put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket! Until next month! </h3>
Smile & Hugs,
I have donated this one-of-a-kind frozen Charlotte bracelet for auction.
You can bid on this and all the other wonderful item at
Sterling band soldered rhinestone rings
Hand sewn and stitched fabric cuffs
And just a little something for my more Modern Gal!
And Victorian Button necklaces in sterling, copper and gold plate pendants.
These are just a few new things that will be there! Hope to see you April 6th!!
I had five FUll days workshops. And I mean FULL! My goal was to take a finished project from each class. I worked through lunch every day to achieve this goal. The first little project after check-in was to decorate your badge. My first finished project!
I will say it took me a while to get the hang of it. But it has opened up a whole new World of things I can do with my work. The next two days were also spent soldering. Now THIS is a belt buckle!And my favorite soldering project of all, my Jumpin Jill doll.
We created an original collage that we then set under glass to create her body. So cute with her little arms and legs will jump up and down!After soldering for 3 days I was ready for a break! The next class was just fun. I got to sit with my Art Sister, Jana. A very talented artist and teacher herself.
Creating a collage using fluid acrylics, water soluable crayons and whatever else hit me. Then is was all covered in beeswax. I love to paint and collage, so this was just relaxing. Not sure if I will ever use the wax technique, but it is good to know.My final and favorite class was enameling. My Teacher Jean was AMAZING! And it was just myself and Jana so it was like getting one on one attention. I heard that this is an art that takes 5 minutes to learn and a lifetime to perfect. And how true that is!
This was a fun learing experience. But I will say I exhausting! My final day I did a little shopping at the shops steps away from the hotel. And finally spent a few hours poolside.
The best $15 margarita I ever had!I did have one last surpise project waiting for me that I was prepared for. On my way to the airport I met this lovely young girl carrying a HUGE vase of roses. Her boyfriend had set her them at the hotel. Well, she wanted to take them home. Knowing there is no way you can get a vase full of water and flowers through TSA, I put on my thinking cap. With all my supplies I just a piece of canvas, we put wet paper towels around the stems,and I secrued it all with twine.
She looked like Miss America walking to her gate! All's well that ends well. Including Summer vacations...New pocket watch necklace filled with all sorts of lovelies
AND sweet vintage Disney characters! And of course new frozen Charlotte creations Also new handbags and art dolls